Painto Sport (AT)
PAINTOSPORT AT is a superior clear and pigmented Impregnation coating and water proofing system
PAINTOSPORT TA200 is primer and finish coat which is based on thermoplastic acrylic polymer which has very good mechanical properties
PAINTOSPORT TA200 is UV resistant which enable it to be used as interior and exterior coating and finish coating with very good abrasion and scratching resistance.
PAINTOSPORT AT is an excellent clear and pigmented water proofing system for interior and exterior uses to apply on different types of substrate like wood, concrete, ferrous and non-ferrous metals( copper- zinc – nickel and galvanized steel etc….) with superior adhesion on PVC and plastic surfaces.
PAINTOSPORT AT is used as a primer to impregnate and seal cementitious stamped concrete roofs, floors, and plaster and gypsum substrate.
PAINTOSPORT AT is also used a good protection against dust stains and water ingress
PAINTOSPORT AT is rich in acrylic content having high build, superb protection and excellent capability of adhesion and sealing properties.
PAINTOSPORT AT is a one component highly penetrated primer with excellent adhesion properties with concrete used for flooring application and for wide range of other applications.
PAINTOSPORT AT has excellent adhesion penetrating, sealing and reinforcing properties for concrete.
Ingredients of substances
PAINTOSPORT AT is one component high solid thermoplastic acrylic based coating available in white, yellow, red and grey as a standard colors but it can be available in a wide ranges of colors.
PAINTOSPORT AT is available in transparent high gloss, semi-gloss and flat too.
PAINTOSPORT AT is designed to be used as an impregnating coating and water proofing system for floors as in
Drive ways.
Indoor & outdoor imprinted concrete.
Friable and weak cementious surfaces.
Outdoor & indoor applications.
Resistant to abrasion.
Excellent adhesion and impregnation
Alkali resistant.
Weather & moisture resistant.
Very good adhesion to all types of substrates.
Very good cohesion forces and excellent bonding properties on steel, mortar and iron.
Easy to apply.
Unaffected by moisture.
Can be applied at low temperature.
Wait for curing of concrete at least two weeks before applying the sealer.
Apply the impregnating sealer in one or two coats.
Use brushes, rollers or spraying.
Do not dilute the sealer.
Apply the sealer from the can directly.
Avoid quick drying and water for at least 2 hours.
No thinner to be added more than recommended.
Excess thinner addition will leads to very thin DFT related to wet film thickness applied
Excess thinner addition will slow down curing and reduce anticorrosion properties, durability, adhesion, bonding, mechanical properties, weathering resistance and strength
Add one bag of the product with 6.5 liters of water gradually in one
container and
stir well.
● Apply the product manually or by spray air.
● The decorative look is made by using the sponge float after the product is
spread on the wall.
Important Notes:
●The product is not to be applied to the joint surfaces, cracked or weak walls.
● Use cold water for easy use on the subject surface before application.
● The coverage proportion differnts depending on the thickness .
● Add water at unified proportions to ensure standardizing colors. If you
leave the product for a long period of time without using it, stir it without
adding water to return to the required consistency.
● If applied over large areas, it is preferable to work on the area as a whole and stop
at the natural joints or use an adhesive tap to make a separator line.

Ingredients of substances
All substrate surfaces must be properly prepared, clean, free from oil, grease, or any loosely adhering material.
Remove efflorescence, mineral salts, fungus and form treatment by an appropriate method.
If the concrete surface is defective or has excess laitance, it must be cut to a sound base by an appropriate method
Any steel in the repair area should be exposed around its full circumference and thoroughly cleaned to remove all loose scale and corrosion deposits either by mechanical properties like sand blaster or mechanical abrasive like chipping or whip sand blasting or by using a suitable rust remover (PAINTODERUST).
PAINTOGUARD RO PRIMER or PAINTOZINC R2O primer should be used as corrosion inhibitor to prevent interior corrosion to insure ideal bonding with the concrete.
Smooth substrates should be mechanically roughened.
PAINTRA provides all type of coatings and construction chemicals which answers the queries of modern engineers for trouble free durable structure.
PAINTRA create special and specific products when there are critical applications that require specific requirements (tailor made designs)
PAINTRA technical office gives this information and recommendations relating to the application of products in this data sheet representing test results & practical experience obtained under a good and controlled conditions when properly stored, handled and applied under normal condition.
However, as products are often used under different conditions, we can only guarantee the quality of our product, and reserve the right to change data without further notice
PAINTRA data are correct to the best of our knowledge and experience of products.
The differences in materials, substrates and actual site conditions are such that no warranty in respect of merchantability or of fitness for a particular purpose.
All orders are accepted subject to our current terms of sale and delivery.
PAINTRA users should always refer to the most recent issue of the technical data sheet for the product concerned, copies of which will be supplied on request.
PAINTRA technical services department is ready to provide our customers with more information and after sales support to assist our customers in a proper application, so don't hesitate to consult us.
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