PaInto Shield AC
High-quality, Aclyerc Tetxure (fine - Hard ) and salts, excellent thermal insulation and moisture insulation used for decorative exteriors with high weather resistance in natural colors with high stability
Pure Acrylic emulsion is based on many high-quality chemicals and a range of carefully selected additions that work on easy operation, flexibility, strength of cohesion and resistant to friction and scratching.
Technical Properties
1. Natural and easy to operate does not need any additions.
2. Raw materials selected in accordance with the highest standard specifications are environmentally friendly and lead-free materials in accordance with international standards.
3. Gives a wonderful decorative shape.
4. Mixing ratios are accurate and homogeneous as a result of the production control systems that we follow.
5. High production rates.
6. High washing ability and not affected by moisture and leaching because it is based on bioralcrylic.
7. Resistant to extreme weather conditions from sunlight, rain, ultraviolet radiation, high resistance to friction and scratching and covers surface defects
Surface Preparation
The surface must be cleaned well and carefully and
must be free of any foreign substances.
Add one bag of the product with 6.5 liters of water gradually in one
container and
stir well.
● Apply the product manually or by spray air.
● The decorative look is made by using the sponge float after the product is
spread on the wall.
Important Notes:
●The product is not to be applied to the joint surfaces, cracked or weak walls.
● Use cold water for easy use on the subject surface before application.
● The coverage proportion differnts depending on the thickness .
● Add water at unified proportions to ensure standardizing colors. If you
leave the product for a long period of time without using it, stir it without
adding water to return to the required consistency.
● If applied over large areas, it is preferable to work on the area as a whole and stop
at the natural joints or use an adhesive tap to make a separator line.

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A small river named Duden flows by their place and supplies it with the necessary
regelialia. It is a paradisematic country, in which
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