Painto Puty (SF)
PAINTO PUTTY SF is a two components solvent free epoxy system especially formulated to achieve a high performance material to work in special conditions where other kinds of putties failed.
Putty appearance, Available in various colors, Matt
Used to fill the gaps between steel plates where welding would not do.
For preparing tank edges and cover welding lines before re-bottoming for tank’s inner floors.
Bacteriological resistance:
Painto PUTTY SF meets the requirements of the resistance to mold growth test in BS.5980:1980.
Inaddition, tests have shown that when PaintoPUTTY SF is used the pervious joint obtained does not permit entry of bacteria or dirt.
Thus normal cleaning can result in maintenance of sterile condition.
PaintoPUTTY SF is a temperature resistance material.
It is a bacteriological resistance material.
It is a chemical resistance material.
Easy to apply.
Available in different colors upon request
Heat resistant up to 80ºc for prolonged periods
Excellent chemical resistant for acids, alkalis and other aggressive chemicals when fully cured according to paintra chemical resistant table
Surface preparation:
Concrete substrate: should be dry, clean and free from loose particles.
Steel substrate: Sand blast, grit blast, or any other efficient method & ensure that all traces of rust are removed.
Steel should then be primed by painto PRIMER
Please refer to paintra technical office for further details on surface preparation and application procedure.
PaintoPUTTY SF is supplied in two separate containers, marked resin, and hardener. The larger resin container is big enough to accommodate all the mixing necessary. Depending on ambient temperature.
Add all the contents of the hardener container to the contents of the larger resin container. The two components must then be mixed thoroughly until a uniform color is achieved, mechanical mixing for at least 3 mints. using a slow speed (300 – 500 rpm ) electric stirrer is preferred
The putty is then ready for immediate use.
Mixing ratio (4 : 1) by weight

PaintoPUTTY SF is particularly suitable for use at temperatures between 10oC and 27oC.
*Below 10oC the curing time will be lengthened, and the grout should be left to set for a longer period before being subjected to service conditions.
PaintoPUTTY SF should be applied with a palette knife or plastic spatula. It may also be applied in the conventional way but this method may result in some wastage and more cleaning off may be necessary.
Work in small areas, e.g. about 0.5 m² at a time. Application time: About one hour
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