Painto Mix (A)
This product is waterproof and weatherproof and factory specifically to give constant color and shape of decorative concrete
This product is applied manually or by spraying machine to help increase productivity and suitable for all climates
Cement product adhesion strength product contains additives proportions are excellent for ease of operation and resistance to water and resistance and direct sun light and heavy rains
1- Natural and easy to operate just add water.
2- The raw materials have been selected according to the highest standards.
3- It gives decorative cool shape.
4- Mixture accurate and homogunis as a result of control on production systems that we follow.
5- A high productivity rates.
6- Resistant surface salinity are higher than other similar products.
7- Resistant harsh weather conditions.
Technical Properties
Ingredients of substances
Portland cement, high-quality silica sand, high-quality calcium carbonates and high-quality colors from European manufacturer companies, other chemical additives for improving consistency and adhesibility and giving easy application.
wide range of colors according to the color album and special colors can be made.
1 cm to 3 cm layers
Surface Drying Time
20 to 30 minutes depending on temperature when applied.
25- 40 KG bag.
Mixing Proportions:
6.5 liters of water per 25-KG bag (26 % of the weight).
A quantity of 1 to 1.6 KG of the product covers 1 mm thick (average of 8 square meters per 25-KG bag).
Surface Preparation
The surface must be cleaned well and carefully and
must be free of any foreign substances.
Add one bag of the product with 6.5 liters of water gradually in one
container and
stir well.
● Apply the product manually or by spray air.
● The decorative look is made by using the sponge float after the product is
spread on the wall.
Important Notes:
●The product is not to be applied to the joint surfaces, cracked or weak walls.
● Use cold water for easy use on the subject surface before application.
● The coverage proportion differnts depending on the thickness .
● Add water at unified proportions to ensure standardizing colors. If you
leave the product for a long period of time without using it, stir it without
adding water to return to the required consistency.
● If applied over large areas, it is preferable to work on the area as a whole and stop
at the natural joints or use an adhesive tap to make a separator line.

The product is valid for 12 months as of the date of production, taking into consideration that it is preferable to store the product away from direct sun rays and in a dry place.
Health and Safety
No eye or skin irritation is caused by the use of the product and it is recommended to use gloves and goggles and in case the product contacts eyes or skin, rinse with clean water and see the doctor.
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