Painto Bardoura
Special paints for sidewalks and based on resin alkyd with a malicious adhesion strength proof for weather conditions .
1- Painto pardoura fast fixed colors is easy to use , an economic paint and drought rapidly .
2- Painto pardoura paint with a high quality and weatherproof, water, oil and grease.
3- Painto pardoura paint with high adhesion strength on concrete surfaces and resists friction and erosion .
The use
Painto pardoura paint for all the sidewalks and edgings own roads, streets, stadiums and garages and parking.
How to use
•Prepare the surface needed to be paint by good cleaning and remove any
grease or trace of pervious paints and the broken parts on concrete surfaces
or any trace of rust on metal surfaces .
•Mixing : mix the amount needed and that is sufficient for working for
aperiod of not more two hours at 20 - 25 c .
•The painted face according to the required specifications and using a brush
or Rolla.
•The way : painting with Rolla or brush or spraying.
•Cleaning the equipment : can be cleaned with solvents .

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A small river named Duden flows by their place and supplies it with the necessary
regelialia. It is a paradisematic country, in which
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