Painto Mix Gold
Panto Gold Mix is a high quality cement product specially made to give a consistent color and a distinctive decorative cement shape
This product is resistant to various and harsh weather factors and contains chemicals with a high capacity to reduce water proof absorption.
This product is applied manually or by sprinkler to help increase productivity and color homogeneity and is suitable for dry and humid areas, indoor or outdoor
The product contains high-gloss quartz with sunlight and special additives for easy operation and improved product properties in terms of rigidity, flexibility, water resistance, color stability, U.V. resistance, direct sunlight and other chemical additives to improve texture, sticking power, friction resistance and scratching.
The product is more resistant to surface salinity than other similar products
Technical Properties
This product conforms to European specifications BSEN998-1
• Natural, easy to use and application only requires the addition of water.
• Raw materials are selected to the highest quality control standards.
• This product combines acrylic (Powder) and cement properties.
• Gives different shapes with a homogeneous decorative elegance when finishing.
• Accurate mixing ratios and a homogeneous mixture due to the fully calculated production process.
Excellent mixing and operable properties.
• Simplicity of use gives very high productivity rates.
Contains salt resistant materials and prefers seller paint before application
• Gives a high individual rate compared to other products after surface processing
Excellent resistance to extreme weather conditions.
Surface processing
Surfaces are cleaned from any dust or oils and the surface is moisturized using syller to close pores.
• Add the product with water in one bowl and stir well
• Water is gradually added with flipping and mechanical flipping is preferred.
• The application is done manually or by the sprinkler machine
• The decorative shape is made by hyperbole after the product is individualized on the wall.

Important observations:
• Not applied to hinged surfaces or to broken and weak walls
• Use cold water for easy operation and give longer operating power
• Coverage varies according to gravel thickness
• Water is added in uniform proportions to ensure that there is no difference in color and in case of drought it is flipped only without adding water to return to the desired mouth.
• If applied in large areas, it is best to work in the whole area once, stopping at natural breaks or using a adhesive to make a break.
• In desert areas with high exposure to water spray, surface treatment is recommended by adding panto seal to make it easier to clean the surface
• A difference in color may occur as a result of the application so followers of the operating instructions are taken into account
• Because Panto Mix is a product of natural materials so it is best to apply the entire interface so that there are no slight differences and ensure the uniformity of colors.

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