Dry Paste
DryPaste is water and weather resistant, especially formulated to provide very smooth finishes.
DryPaste can be applied manually or using spraying machine to increase productivity .it is suitable for dry and wet areas, indoors or outdoors.
Dry Paste consist of dry blend of special high strength aditives, cement binders, selected fillers , special additives and polymers to enhance workability, water retention, adhesion against direct sunlight and conforming to the German Standard DIN 18555.
Natural and easy to use and apply. Only require addition of water.
Raw materials are selected according to the highest quality control standards.
Exact mixing ratios and homogeneous blend.
Excellent mixing and workability characteristics.
Simplicity of usage gives very high productivity rates.
Excellent bonding characteristics and water vapor breath-ability allowing the substrate to breath without damaging the bonding.
The whole content of the bag should be mixed together with water in one container using hand drill equipped with strong blade or high shear stationary mixer. Partial small amounts may be mixed manually.
Add 7-8 liters of clean water in one deep container, add the contents of the 20 kg bag gradually and mix till the mixture is uniform and free of lumps. Mix till the mortar is workable again.
Apply DryPaste to the prepared surface either using spraying machine or conventional hand application.

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regelialia. It is a paradisematic country, in which
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