Cement Products

Painto Gravenol


Cladding acrylic colored super high-quality coarse interfaces decorative and high resistant against weather condition ,with high fixed natural colors.


It is bases on acrylic and many high-quality chemicals and a group of carefully selected additions running on ease of operation, flexibility and strength of cohesion and resistant to friction and scratching.

Technical Properties

Ingredients of substances

Surface Preparation

The surface must be cleaned well and carefully and
must be free of any foreign substances.

Important Notes:

1- It does not apply to the separated surfaces.
2- Coverage rate varies according to the thickness of the pebble stone.
3- In the case of the application in large areas it is better to be working the whole time and one stop at the natural joints or use adhesive to make a break.
4- Super absorbent surfaces preferably painto sealer paint diluted with water before using layer painto graviato.

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