Cement Products

Painto Tix


The painto-Tex is a rubbery plastic paint with a high- quality acrylic based paints for interior and exterior .

Product Features:

- Rubbery
- Excellent Washapilty
- Anti liming.
- High resistance to weather conditions and sunlight and UV
- Smooth surface with fine dithering in various weather conditions
- High adhesion strength on all surfaces
- High resistance to abrasion and friction
- High resistance to water and humidity where she works as a buffer material Painto Tex
- Resistance to acids and alkalis

Surface preparation for painting

The surface must be dry and clean and free of any substances that cause dirty by either dust or oils or greases and pre- painted surfaces should be clean the surface thoroughly to remove old paint

Surfaces that can be operating by

All surfaces of concrete and cement and gypsum pretreated and


The information contained ARB technical information is based on laboratory experiments and the product of practical experience and as the product is used under conditions beyond our control , we guarantee the quality of the product itself without operating conditions .
We reserve the rights to change the data Given without prior notice .

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regelialia. It is a paradisematic country, in which

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